Coming Soon

Duvall Portrait   

Martin Alexandre Duvall
1685 – 1753 (?)
Baron of Saint-Eugene-de-Poinc
Thaumaturgical prodigy

Martin Alexandre Duvall astonished the European magical community when he, along with assistant Pyotr Strecki, developed methods for extracting and storing magical essences. Their combined skills allowed them to remove curses, blessings, and virtually all other enchantments from people, places and things, then contain them in bottles for eventual safe disposal or later use.

Over the course of their careers, Duvall and Strecki traveled far and wide, producing a known total of 134 such bottles. In the ensuing years, several were either depleted in magical procedures or destroyed.

Nearly 100 of his collection, however, are believed to still exist — somewhere.

The Duvall Project

Under the direction of Stefan Alexxis, The Duvall Project exists to track down, acquire, identify, test, and maintain the remaining examples of Duvall's and Strecki's work.

Excerpts from the video logs of those tests, complete with the histories of the bottles tested, will be posted online for public viewing as they become available.

Watch for them in the (hopefully) upcoming web series . . .
The 99 Bottles of Baron Duvall  

In development by Stefan Alexxis Gatherings Consultations & Shows,
in association with Neon Harbor Entertainment